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Our Mission

Working together for a sustainable and competitive aviation industry

A4E’s unique set up stems from a clear focus on issues that affect the mobility of passengers and goods and impose significant burdens on airlines. We want to be a part of the solution, ensuring that the right actions are taken to improve air connectivity with the lowest possible carbon footprint. The right balance needs be found to promote sustainability while supporting the industry’s competitiveness to the benefit of travellers and businesses across Europe.

Artificially determined levies, inadequate regulation and outdated legislation stand in the way of this objective. To that end, A4E has launched campaigns promoting long-term solutions to reduce the environmental impact of aviation, including the use of sustainable aviation fuels, reinvigorating EU airspace reform, tackling airport market power and excessive charges, eliminating unjustified aviation taxes and developing fair and balanced passenger rights. With rising concern over Europe’s economic competitiveness, the digitalisation of societies and industries, global security threats and pressures on Schengen’s internal borders, airlines are committed to playing a key role in facilitating the safe and secure flow of passengers and goods to, from and within the continent.