Weekly A4E Figures
Discover the weekly traffic among A4E airlines here.
Who We Are
Founded in 2016, we represent the united voice of Europe’s leading airlines in Brussels. Our 16 airline group members represent over 70% of European air traffic and carried over 700 million passengers in 2019. Leading global aircraft manufacturer are also members of A4E. Airlines with cargo and mail activities transport more than 5 million tons of goods to more than 360 destinations annually.
Our goal is to ensure the sustainable growth of aviation and contribute positively to the socioeconomic development of European nations.
What We Do
Aviation strengthens ties between citizens, businesses, and communities across borders — and facilitates European integration: the free movement of people and goods. We advocate on behalf of our members to shape EU aviation policy to the ultimate benefit of passengers. Our goal is a safe, sustainable and competitive air transport market in Europe.